The STVM is made up of scientists, veterinarians and students from more than 40 countries with common interests in tropical veterinary medicine. It was founded in 1978 as the American Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine but proposed to become an international organization at its Biennial Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1991. A new constitution was drawn up with the name, Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, and was approved by the membership.
Dr. Jim Williams, President of the Society, worked with an artist to develop the logo. The STVM encourages student participation in the organization and sponsors two student awards. The Norval-Young Award provides support for a student to attend the Biennial Meeting and the Career Development Award provides support for a training program in some area of tropical veterinary medicine.
Past Officers
2009-2015 |
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary-Treasurer
Jabbar Ahmed
Olivier Sparagano
Olivier Sparagano
Edmour Blouin & Katherine Kocan
2007-2009 |
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary-Treasurer
Olivier Sparagano
Julio Figueroa
Edmour Blouin &
Katherine Kocan
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary-Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Programs
Jean Charles Maillard
Olivier Sparagano
Edmour F. Blouin
Thomas Walton
Will Goff
Pat Conrad
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary-Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Programs
Edmour F. Blouin
Jean Charles Maillard
Bob Bokma
Thomas Walton
Will Goff
Pat Conrad
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary-Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Programs
Bob Bokma Edmour F. Blouin Paul Gibbs Thomas Walton Will Goff Pat Conrad
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Programs
Paul Gibbs Bob Bokma Emmanuel Camus Edmour F. Blouin Thomas Walton Bob Bokma Pat Conrad
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Programs
Emmanuel Camus Paul Gibbs James House Edmour F. Blouin Thomas Walton Bob Bokma Pat Conrad
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Programs
James House Emmanuel Camus Katherine M. Kocan Edmour F. Blouin Thomas Walton Alwynelle Ahl Pat Conrad
President President-Elect Past-President Secretary
Treasurer Newsletter Editor Student Programs
Katherine M. Kocan James House Jim C. Williams Alwynelle Ahl/ Edmour F. Blouin Thomas Walton Alwynelle Ahl Karel Schat
President President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor
Jim C. Williams Katherine M. Kocan Alwynelle Ahl Thomas Walton Alwynelle Ahl
Past Meetings and Dedications
See our Past Events web page for more information.
Past STVM meetings were dedicated to:
2012 Dr. Jean Charles Malliard
2009 Dr. Tom Walton
2007 Dr. Katherine Kocan
2005 Dr. Jim Williams
2003 Dr. Connie Yunker
2001 Dr. Alain Provost
1999 Dr. Duncan Brown
1997 Dr. Gerrit Uilenberg
1995 Dr. Alan Young & Dr. Andy Norval
Honorary Members
Honorary membership is the highest award bestowed by the STVM. It recognizes individuals of good moral character who have achieved eminence in tropical veterinary medicine. For a complete list, see our Members web page.
Alain Provost Award Winner
Youmna M'ghirbi Serological and Molecular sSrvey of Parasites
in Cattle in Tunisia
2007 Maxwell Opara Hematological and Plasma Biochemistry of the Adult Wild
African Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus)
Cynthia M.Tate
Characterization of a Previously Undescribed Anaplasma sp. of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Norval Young Award Winners
Ruth Cecilia Galindo Ordoñez Differential expression of inflammatory
Instituto de Investigación en and immune response genes in sheep infected with
Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC) bacteria that target immune cells
Ciudad Real, Spain
Molecular characterization of the wildlife reservoir
Victoria Naranjo host-Mycobacterium bovis interface and Instituto de Investigación en control of bovine tuberculosis
Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC)
Ciudad Real, Spain
Samantha Gibbs Avian Indicators of West Nile Virus in Georgia
University of Georgia, USA
Michael J. Yabsley University of Georgia, USA
Distribution and Molecular Heterogeneity of Ehrlichia chaffeensis from White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Joseph K. Gaydos University of Georgia, USA
The Dynamics of Maternal Antibodies to Hemorrhagic Disease Viruses (Reoviridae: Orbivirus) in White-tailed Deer at an Enzootic Site
Michel de Garine-Wichatitsky CIRAD-EMVT, France
Reginald A. Valdez Washington State University,USA
Assessing Infection Risk by Vectors: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of African Ticks
An In Vivo Model to Investigate Lymphocyte Mediated Immunity During Acute Hemoparasite Infections: Use of a Monoclonal Antibody to Selectively Deplete CD4+ T Lymphocytes from Thymectomized Calves
Christine Jost Tufts University, USA
Darren Watt University of Edinburgh, CTVM
An Ethnoveterinary and Serological Evaluation of the Karamoja, Uganda Community Animal Health Care Worker Program
A PCR Based Study in Three Different Areas of Kenya in Relation to the Presence of Theileriosis in Cattle and Ticks
Career Development Award Winners
Year |
Lisa A. Shender University of California, Davis
Externship at the Bird Park (Parque das Aves), Iguazu Falls, Brazil.
Marie-Claude Theoret University of Montreal
Matthew T. Stachmus Virginia-Maryland Regional Coll. Veterinary Medicine
Orangutan Foundation International. Rehabilitation Program in Kalamatan, Borneo
Remote Army medical Program-Guatemala. Evaluation of Short Term Veterinary Shuttles
Rachel C. Eddleman Auburn University
Guatemala Veterinary Project: A cooperative effort between Remote Army Medical and the University of Tennessee: Identification of common intestinal parasites and seroprevalence of bovine brucellosis in El Peten, Guatemala
M. Lisa Tuzo University of Tennessee
Celine Leheurteux University of Montreal
Claudia Harper Tufts University
Remote Area Medical (RAM) Veterinary Services Project in Guatemala
Field Training Project of ASETO (Assistance in the Animal Production Sector) in Oriental Chad
Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of Warm water Fishes, University of Florida
Dana Roth Tufts University
Tropical Animal Pathology, CIRAD-EMVT, Montpellier, France